Well today I started the tedious work of wiring the system.
I bench tested all of the electrical component to make sure I
don't have any preventable failures. It all works.
As you can see, true to my word,
this system will look as OEM as I can make it. I may even
make a plastic shroud to cover the generator/bubbler area.
Here's an overall shot of the guts of the system.

Of course, as always there are gremlins. I found that my bubbler had a leak as well.
(like I need hydrogen gas leaking in my engine compartment) I broke it down and rebuilt it.
I added plastic seals to the barbs with some rubber gaskets.
After the refit, it now holds 5 psi like the reservoir does. It may hold more but
I stopped a 5 psi

Here's a shot of the reservoir and the pump on the driver's side.

Looking down at the HHO Generator, its all plumbed & the 6 awg wires have been attached &
covered with plastic wire casing. The biggest PITA is soldering all the electrical connections and shrink wrapping the ends.

Here's my brass flashback arrestor ( one of 3). That zip tie on top has got to go!!

Finally The Solenoid. I decided to use a continuous use solenoid rated at 80 amp instead of a plastic relay.

But to protect the system I opted to use a resettable 45 amp circuit breaker.
I will still install an inline fuse cuz I don't trust anything. (there it is hiding in the corner)