I'm DONE. Everything is installed & running.
BTW Setting up the EFIE is such a PITA!!!
I set my sensors at 375mv (yeah ok)
My Trac went berserk! It threw 3 codes and the main problem I felt on my 1st test drive was
my transmission wouldn't shift on time.
Also waiting to turn at a stop sign, my truck kept lurching to go.
So, I went back home and reset the sensors to 315mv...took it for a test drive. Everything felt good.
Took it for a ride I do every day. (the ride to take my son to taekwondo).
I kept the same speed same route same driving conditions. Usually on a round trip the average mpg reads about 15.4 mpg.
My round trip average mpg was 19.9 mpg. that's 30% improvement. Of course this by no means is conclusive, and there has to be a lot more driving to get a more accurate reading but it looks promising.
My PWM is a POS. The little unit is not robust enough to handle this kind of use on a ling term basis. The power connections are made to the board using blade connectors. These loosen over time under heat.
Now starts the tweaking of the EFIE to find the perfect setting.