Thursday, June 10, 2010

HHO System Inspection

Today I did a systems inspection of the HHO system. Basically, looking for leaks, corrosion, & problems in general.

All the connections were tight, the reservoir was sealed, the bubbler did not any leaks. I replaced the vinegar & distilled water solution in the bubbler even though it was clear.

Next I broke down the cold air intake. Basically what I am looking for here is corrosion. Since KOH is corrosive to aluminum & I had previously replaced my OEM rubber intake with aluminum tubes, I thought it prudent to inspect this.

The first thing I saw when I disconnected the tube from the throttle body was that I did have some corrosion in the tube.

You can see the trail coming from the HHO inlet down the pipe towards the air cleaner.
The opposite side towards the throttle body was relatively clean with just some minor residue on the poly connections.

My throttle body housing as well as my MAF housing is made of plastic. Neither of those 2 components were affected.

As it appears that the HHO is more or less hitting the airflow & going everywhere, I decided to rig it so the HHO is fed as close to the throttle body without interfering.

This feed tube is 4 mm away from the throttle body butterfly. I also repositioned the intake tube so that it is even and not at a downward angle towards the MAF.

Hopefully this will direct more gas to the intake at idle which I have noted the Trac uses more gasoline.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

HHO Mileage

With a setting of 275mv as a base to the O2 sensors, driving only local, the Trac averaged 13.9 mpg which was 2.7% less than my mpg with the EFIE set at 350mv which was 14.3mpg yet better than my base mpg of 13mpg. If you recall at 350mv the Trac ran like crap.

Now I raised the base mv to the O2 sensors to 300mv driving only local, the Trac averaged 15.6 mpg which was 10.9% more than my mpg with the EFIE set at 275mv

My no HHO local mileage is 13mpg So with HHO I get 15.6 that's a 16.67% overall improvement. The truck still runs smooth with no loss in power or performance. I will increase the base mv to 310mv & see the results.

I will post in another 100 miles what my findings are.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Vegetable Garden - Current

Another trip trough the garden. One thing I have found regarding the hanging plants. The small pots may not be big enough to sustain the plant growth. I find myself having to water them daily when I'm told once every 2 or 3 days should suffice. But they get dry!
Next time I will use Home Depot Orange buckets for my upside down plants.

Here's a few samples of the zucchini & peppers picked.

The Vegetable Garden - May 04, 2010

I noticed that one of my squash plants looked a bit "undernourished" & wilty for a week or so. My other squash plants are large & robust but not this one. I don't know if you can make it out in the pix below:

Reading up on this on the internet, I found that it has Bacterial Leaf Wilt. It appears its a U.S. disease that affects cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, and watermelon among other plants. Spread by the striped cucumber beetle. So I uprooted that plant & treated the others & my new cantaloupes with Sevin.

Hopefully it stops there!

The Vegetable Garden - Apr 22, 2010

Just wanted to post my progress on the garden, what a difference a few weeks make.
This was the 3 tomato & 2 pepper plants I originally hung up

As you can see, they have grown nicely. The new plants (long tomato plants) were my "ignored" seedling that grew on their own in the shed. I also have eggplant growing here.

As you can see, my original tomato plants are now producing a crop!

Moving down the line is the mint. I opted to keep them in a planter box as they will quickly overgrow.

This was the original garden I planted back in the beginning of April

It is growing extremely well, with very little maintenance, and my wife has been consistently harvesting the romaine lettuce & the spinach!!!

Although I have hot peppers growing, I have to find a source for super hot peppers...I like the heat!

The Vegeable Garden - Apr 22, 2010

After reading up on "harvesting" the romaine lettuce, my wife raided the garden this morning!

The Vegetable Garden - April 21 2010

So far the garden is going well
Here's a quick video:

The Vegetable Garden - Apr 12, 2010

The garden keeps growing at a ridiculous rate

Here are a few shots of the garden as it sits today

(click picture)

Here are the upside down Tomato plants as well as the red peppers!

(click picture)

(click picture)

Who knew I could grow stuff?
Not bad for a New York City boy eh? LOL

The Vegetable Garden - Apr 03, 2010

Well I have half my garden planted.
Next week I will do the herbs & mint.

The Vegetable Garden - Mar 28, 2010

this weekend I tilled the area that I am making the veg garden. I also got 2 cubic yards of nice rich topsoil to add to the garden. I Got my metal posts & rabbit guard fencing to section it off. Hopefully it will keep the bunny out of there.
BTW, the eggplant has begun to sprout!!!!

The Vegetable Garden - Mar 24, 2010

I either have a VERY green thumb, or these seed are EXPLODING!
Just one days growth from my previous post!

The Vegetable Garden- Mar 23, 2010

I am going to back post son this topic. This is very cool.
After only 1 week I have seedlings for Spinach, Carrots, Tomatoes, & Squash growing in!
Here's one of my trays!